Friday, April 23, 2010

Carottes Glacees (Glazed Carrots) - Sunday April 11, 2010

(Photo courtesy of

Veggies are a problem in my house, as the 2 girls only eat certain ones - and only at certain times ("I only liked those last week") - and, with the exception of corn on the cob, the boy won't knowingly come within 10 feet of a vegetable.

Glazed carrots are a sure winner for the girls, and even the boy has been known to sneak 1 or 2 into his mouth when I'm not looking. This recipe again comes from Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" and it's quite easy to prepare. Ok, maybe the sugar isn't the best thing for the kids - especially on a Sunday night - but hey, they eat them all up and have fruit for dessert, if it's even needed.

I substitute chicken stock for the beef in the recipe, as that's what we have around the house.
I also use brown sugar rather than white. Nobody seemed to suffer much from the substitutions.

(Serves 6 as a side)

- 1.5 lbs carrots, peeled, quartered and cut into 2-inch lengths
- 1.5 cups good brown stock or beef boullion
- 2 Tb granulated (or brown) sugar
- 6 Tb butter
- 2 Tb finely minced parsley
- salt and pepper to taste

Boil the carrots slowly in a covered sauce pan with the stock, sugar, butter and a pinch of pepper for 30 to 40 mins, until the carrots are tender and the liquid is reduced to a syrupy glaze. Correct seasoning.

Reheat just before serving and roll the carrots gently in the pan to coat them with the syrup. Season to taste.

Turn into a warm serving dish and sprinkle with the parsley.

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